Tuesday, October 26, 2010

AT Day 12

Neither of us started out the day believing we would reach the NOC at the end of the day. (Us=Silver & I, as the only residents of the shelter the night before)

We reached it, 16 miles later at 4pm. Instead, we were looking forward to supposed trail magic a few miles north. Sadly, it wasn't there. we theorized the snow storm, since it was obvious he had been (even circle of dry ground surrounded by snow).

we kept going and passed the next shelter, where people were still packing up. It had been full to bursting + tents the night before. I was glad I hadn't gone. We kept going, chatting with some of the other thru-hikers. we took a break on a hill side, letting some pass us and another at a dirt road-side. Pretty. Also, Silver and I were somewhat hiking at the same pace, somewhat at different paces. When we reached wesser shelter, it was too early to stop. We figured we'd go on to the shelter before NOC, stop in briefly at NOC to get stuff and keep going the next day.

I caught up to Silver at that shelter. There was a tree poking through the roof. I could tent-but it seemed just as logical to do the last mile into NOC. I called to make sure there were bunks in the hostel. There were. Good.

We passed the Picnic Sisters-who had passed us while we were at the last shelter and we had passed again. bou was limping because of her shoe. I offered to hike behind her, but she waved me on.

When we reached NOC, it became impossible to find the office where we signed in for a hostel room.

Bou and Fro arrived and we still had trouble-Fro scouted out and eventually, I pointed out a far off buildign that could possibly be it. There was nothing else, so we went there. Indeed, it was. Wow.

Took a little while to sort out rooms-instead of being a large bunk room, it was a bunch of small rooms. Since Bou & Fro were officially hiking together as sisters, we let them bunk together while Silver and I shared a different room. Slightly awkward, but fine.

Had a delicious dinner at the restaurant-good burger and fries.

Decided to take a shower, but was scared off by the dirty disgusting shower stall and no towel.

Then bed.

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